
Eva Lecerof (Israel)

When the war ended, Eva was nine years old and lived with her mother Elsbeth and her brother Walter in Munkfors. Eva remembers Munkfors fondly. The small industrial community welcomed her family with open arms. In Karlstad, they also found a common religion in the Jewish community. When she was to start upper secondary school, Eva moved to Karlstad and then later to Lund for further studies. There she met her future husband, they married in 1959. Eva worked throughout her professional life as a psychiatrist and doctor. She has four children, eight grandchildren and lives in Skåne.

Her mother Elsbeth lived in Munkfors until the late 1950s, when she found work as a religious teacher in the Jewish communityin Stockholm. Eva remembers how her mother enjoyed the range of performances and concerts in Stockholm and how she appreciatedbeing able to go to the synagogue. The Jewish community in Karlstad was dissolved and the synagogue was demolished in 1961.

Eva has shared her story with the Swedish Holocaust Museum and has donated objects, documents and letters to the museum.

Gottfried Israel
When the war ended, the family only knew that Eva’s father Gottfried had been taken from the internment camp in France in the summer of 1942. Later they found out that he had been deported to Auschwitz. This was the last trace of him.